# Getting to know the United Nations Headquarters in Vienna, Austria

On 1st February, 2024, as part of the English lesson the 4AHITN of the HTL Wien West visited the UN entity in Vienna. We, the students of the 4AHITN, along with two teachers (Mr Kerer and Ms Peltzer), participated in a guided tour, in which we obtained some detailed information on the important role of the UNO in the maintenance of international peace and security, fighting poverty, establishing gender equality and women’s empowerment worldwide, just to name a few. The UNO headquarter in Vienna focuses primarily on issues related to drugs and crime, including the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). These organizations work towards achieving various goals related to peace, security, development, and international cooperation.

During the 1½ hours tour we were shown a conference room, where diplomatic discussions and international negotiations take place. We were also given some information on the job of a translator and an interpreter. Furthermore, we learned about the history of the United Nations and its role in promoting peace, security, and development globally and, as a result, we have gained a deeper understanding of the organization's evolution and impact. Finally, we visited the exhibition on space, showcasing a stone from the moon among other things.

We very much liked the event and recommend everyone to visit the UNO headquarters in Vienna.

Höhere Technische Lehranstalt Wien West | Thaliastraße 125 | 1160 Wien | Tel: +43 (01) 49 111-113 | Fax: +43 (01) 49 111-199 | Datenschutzerklärung | Impressum